David Patteson David Patteson

Coffee Processing - Anaerobic / Carbonic Masceration / Infusions

Welcome, coffee enthusiasts! Today, we are diving into the fascinating world of coffee processing methods and the creative techniques that enhance their flavors. Join us as we explore two innovative processes that have been shaking up the coffee industry: anaerobic and carbonic maceration. But wait, there's more! We'll also be delving into the intriguing concept of flavor-infused green coffee.

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David Patteson David Patteson

Single Origin - Colombia -Bochica - Washed

Colombian coffee’s are some of the best worldwide and these days there are an infinite array flavors being produced through varietal and processing combinations. This, however, is an example of a more traditional Colombian coffee with notes of Caramel, Stone Fruit and an apple acidity. Beautiful and delicate brewed as a filter or batch and nice and round as an aero or french press.

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David Patteson David Patteson

Single Origin - Ethiopia Tibebu Aleto

This naturally processed coffee brings tropical fruits with berries and chocolate. Keep this one for your batch brewer, v60 or some super special espressos. This is a stunning example of what can be achieved through traditional processing methods.

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David Patteson David Patteson

Blend Highlight - Talk Less

Our final blend rounding out our trio of espresso brews, Talk Less is the powerhouse of the three. We continue development in the roaster longer for this one; increasing the body and crema potential. Bringing notes of Ruby Chocolate and Burnt Maple Syrup we’re finding this amazing as an espresso and slices through milk with ease.

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David Patteson David Patteson

Blend Highlight - WheelsUp

This is Mosey Coffee’s flagship blend and sits in the middle of our current line ups flavour spectrum. Using 3 beautiful coffees from around the world, Wheels Up promises Caramels, Pecans and Biscuits, from start to long, lingering finish. Delightfully nuanced as an espresso and produces a velvety crema that punches through milk perfectly. This coffee continues to surprise you with new notes everytime you taste it. Very versatile and definitely a fave at Mosey.

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David Patteson David Patteson

Blend Highlight - Chill Pill

We created this blend for everyone. We wanted a coffee that could transend both espresso and milk and be equally delicious as both. A perfect accompaniment with either vegemite toast or your almond croissant in the morning. A great way to end a meal at your next dinner party. Silky, smooth and delightfully chocolatey.

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David Patteson David Patteson

What is filter coffee?

As my home coffee method of choice, filter coffee remains one of the best ways to prepare specialty coffee without the need for expensive machines. It is inexpensive, fast, and delicious. Filter also offers the user some insights into coffee extraction while being forgiving even if preparation went somewhat awry. However, there are a few key things we need to know before we dive headfirst into brewing our coffee with these method(s).

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