David Patteson David Patteson

Seasonal Single Origins

o celebrate the opening of our new espresso bar, we have selected and roasted 3 wonderfully unique Single Origins to present to our customers over the next 3 months. With each hailing from a different continent, different processing and varied varietals, we have a spectrum that is sure to please all discerning pallets and tastes. Let’s jump into the list of what we have going on…

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David Patteson David Patteson

Single of the Month - Honduras - Loma Grande - Honey

Although Honey processed coffee’s are not too mysterious to us here at Mosey, this latest offering has been a real surprise on the cupping table and as the batch brew I am slurping on as I write this. It is 3 days off roast and ,whilst the freshness is still there a little, you can really tell this is a sweet, delicate and complex cup just waiting for a day or so more aging. This is definitely what we tasted on the cupping table; with soft notes of orange and berries with a sweet finish and moderate acidity. This is one of those coffee’s that you could drink all week and never be bored nor have your palate worn out. Interesting enough for the discerning coffee professional but super accessible to anyone trying filter coffee for the first time.

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David Patteson David Patteson

Origin - Why it matters - South America

As far as coffee production is concerned, South America and the countries within, produce the highest percentage of the worlds coffee supply, with Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Peru, and, Guatemala in the top 10 exporters. We’re going to explore these 5 countries in a little more detail in terms of what to expect from the Specialty Coffees available from each. Now, there will be some generalizations; however, as we explore the origins of the world, you should be able to see and taste the differences as you try varying coffee’s from these origins. We’re going to leave processing to just the main 3, washed, natural, and pulped naturals, as these are the most common that you will encounter and are easier to group. So…why does origin matter?

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David Patteson David Patteson

Single Origin - Rwanda Musasa

We haven’t tried too many Rwandan Coffee’s quite like this beautiful washed Musasa. Instead of the usual spice and warmth you sometimes expect from a Rwandan, this coffee presents lovely delicate floral aromas along with citrus and a pleasant tart fruitiness.

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David Patteson David Patteson

Single Origin - Colombia -Bochica - Washed

Colombian coffee’s are some of the best worldwide and these days there are an infinite array flavors being produced through varietal and processing combinations. This, however, is an example of a more traditional Colombian coffee with notes of Caramel, Stone Fruit and an apple acidity. Beautiful and delicate brewed as a filter or batch and nice and round as an aero or french press.

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David Patteson David Patteson

Single Origin - Ethiopia Tibebu Aleto

This naturally processed coffee brings tropical fruits with berries and chocolate. Keep this one for your batch brewer, v60 or some super special espressos. This is a stunning example of what can be achieved through traditional processing methods.

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