David Patteson David Patteson

Blend Highlight - Chill Pill

We created this blend for everyone. We wanted a coffee that could transend both espresso and milk and be equally delicious as both. A perfect accompaniment with either vegemite toast or your almond croissant in the morning. A great way to end a meal at your next dinner party. Silky, smooth and delightfully chocolatey.

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David Patteson David Patteson

What is filter coffee?

As my home coffee method of choice, filter coffee remains one of the best ways to prepare specialty coffee without the need for expensive machines. It is inexpensive, fast, and delicious. Filter also offers the user some insights into coffee extraction while being forgiving even if preparation went somewhat awry. However, there are a few key things we need to know before we dive headfirst into brewing our coffee with these method(s).

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