David Patteson David Patteson

What is Specialty Coffee?

I remember being asked this question by my soon to be employer. It was during an interview for a position within their coffee company. “What is Specialty Coffee?” To be honest, I had never heard the expression before. I think I answered something along the lines of “A coffee with caramel" in it”. After some research, I was quite embarrassed of my answer. Although I came from a management position within a well known Australian coffee franchise; Specialty Coffee was a complete mystery to me.

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David Patteson David Patteson

Home Espresso Tips #2 - Grind

Grind size, or how fine or coarse you grind your dose, is such a major variable in specialty coffee brewing. This largely affects flavour, mouthfeel, finish and taste in all brewing methods, especially home espresso. Let’s go through some of the basline key indicators that we should be aiming to start hitting with our brewing at home.

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David Patteson David Patteson

Home Espresso Tips #1 - Dose

Making espresso at home can be daunting; especially if you have no experience using the equipment or understanding around the processes. Hopefully this series will help improve your espresso extractions and comprehension around why barista’s do what they do and how to make your home coffee, taste better.

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